Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Isn't this the best?!

Ava is the funniest little girl ever!  I adore this picture of her and think it's the best ever.  It shows off her little personality just perfectly! 


Beautiful Elle

I often feel like I am the luckiest mom in the world to have two such beautiful girls.  My Elle is the sweetest six year old I've ever met.  Seriously she is!  
Now that she is in first grade she comes home with all sorts of tid-bits that just makes me laugh.  Yesterday I had her at the mall with me and she said to me "Mom, that is SO last season."  Seriously what first grader knows about what is last season or not.
We walked into the Gap and she saw this dress and she had to have it.  She said the color was so pretty and she would let me take pictures of her in it.  SO of course I bought it....and snapped away!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Ava

I just had to post this picture of my beautiful two year old.  I love my new studio lighting and the way it puts catch lights in the eyes.  I am loving my new lighting and how much I can do with it!
Ava is the funnest little two year old.  She says the funniest things and is an all round hilarious child!  I enjoy my little munchkin!


What are you googling?

So we all google....right?!  And you know sometimes you google something and then it takes you somewhere that you don't really want to go?!  Well I do it all the time.  And I love the stats here on the dashboard and you can see what people search for that leads them to your blog. 

Here are the top searches that bring people here to My Seriously Amazing Life.
(I've noticed some other good ones before...I wish I would have wrote them down.)
my seriously amazing life
kandis b.
kandis broadhead
wish photography
wish photography blog
wish photography utah
wish photography kandis
kandis b photography
sweet elle
funny ksl ads 
photoshop friday mommy blog
baptism subway art
blog "mostly" sweetheart
cjsi china
how to have a safari party for a 18 year old
broken heel
angel lush cupacakes
toes in face
kandis kinder detroit
sherrie syme mecham
hip mormon
devils lawn mower
eating disorder treatment utah
battle ed
.......this one happens to be my favorite...drum roll please
are you daves mom seriously naughty.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My new studio!

I've wanted a studio in my house for a while, but just didn't have the funds to do it.  So over time we decided we would be able to do it.  It is finished and I'm in love.  I love my lighting and my backdrops, my props, the color on my walls my canvas' and everything about it.
It is so nice to have a place to do my work...and that I can shoot no matter what the weather is.
Yesterday I did a little impromptu shoot with my girls and Alexa my niece.
I am in love with having this little space for my business!

This was the test shot! That's why it's not centered...but I LOVE IT ANYWAY!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I am a horrible blogger!

I used to be the best blogger ever...but as of late I AM HORRIBLE.
I seriously have just been so busy that I don't have time to sit down and blog. 

I have some really fab pictures of our cruise I still need to post and I will.  I have pictures of my new photography studio that I  need to post.  I have all sorts of funny stories...I am just so busy.

But I'm making a promise RIGHT NOW!

I, Kandis the author of this amazing blog...and ruler of my seriously amazing life...promises to blog more often! {Cross my heart...stick a needle in my eye!}