Tuesday, December 21, 2010

If I am M.I.A...

If you don't see me for awhile, it's because I've checked myself into the loony bin.  

I really feel like I am going crazy!
I can't sleep at night because I think of all the things that I need to do...and how I'm going to get them done...oh and what if I don't get them done?! The anxiety!

Then I have Ava!  Holy Moly friends she is sending me shopping for a straight jacket.
Todays list of offenses:
  • Pouring out all my fabulous MAC foundation on my beautiful bathroom baby blue and white rug.  (super frowny)
  • USING my MAC Opulash Mascara to color on her face, my tile and grout.  
  • Using my MAC lipliner to decorate my counter top in the kitchen.
  • Feeding Ruby my super cute dog nearly an entire bag of white chocolate and marshmellow popcorn yumminess.  (no wonder Ruby is getting fat)
  • Pouring out an entire bag of tortilla chips on my table and them crunching them up.
  • and filling up the toilet with all of her bath toys.

So like I said...if you don't hear from me for awhile please check the local mental hospital.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm stealing this idea!

A cute friend of my did this on her blog and I thought it was a really fun idea.
She posted to those in her life who have made an impact on her life but didn't name names....so I'm going to do this too.

So this post is for YOU...you know who you are.

*You are seriously one of the most caring people I know.  You have always seemed to know when I need a friend.  You have been by my side at some of my biggest life events and given me such wonderful advice.  As you say "We Gals Rock"!  I love you more then you will ever know.

*For real you are the funniest person I know...no lie.  It's a shame that there is such a distance between us because sometimes I just need a fix of laughter that only you can dish out.  You are so very talented that I could be really jealous of but you just make me want to be better.  You entered my life at a place where my life was about to change and so was yours...we connected instantly and I am so grateful for scrap booking, the 1st season of the Bachelor, long bus rides, nasty hotel rooms, and accidental cuddling.

*Although we only got to be part of each others lives for about a year or so I treasure our friendship.  You always have something funny to say even though I'm sure you don't mean to.  You have a zest for life and such a fantastic outlook.  You could have become so bitter about so many lost jobs and moves but instead you look on the bright side of things.  I don't know if I could be that optimistic.  You have become such a shining example of optimism for me and someone who has left your print on my heart.

*I don't think you know how much you mean to me.  Actually I know you don't.  Most likely you won't even think this one is for you...but it is.  I've never felt close to anyone in this area of my life except you.  Although I know the feeling is most likely not mutual I'm okay with that.  I admire your independence and wish I had that kind of strength.  You're my favorite.

*You are one amazingly resourceful cookie!  Whenever I'm out at the store I think "how would she do this?".  I often wish I could spend hours with you learning your secrets and tips.  You have always been so easy to talk with and I wish I got to spend more time with you.  You make me want to be better.

*What can I say about you that is sufficient enough in this little tiny space?! Nothing is sufficient enough!  I wish we would have been better friends in H.S.  I feel like we missed so many important parts of each others lives.  HOWEVER today is what matters.  I'm grateful we are here now that our friendship is strong.  Out of ALL my true friends I've known you the longest.  You're awesome...."I won't keep ya!" bwahhhaa!

*I know you don't read this blog...but I can't write this post without a tribute to you.
YOU saved me!  In my darkest hours you listened and never judged.  I'm afraid to see it end because I'm better.  I wish we would have met some other way so we could be friends forever....I dread February 18th cause I know what it might mean.  I'm alive because of you.

*Oh so many things to say about you...where to begin.  I remember when I got SOOO mad at you because you were dating someone I didn't want you too.  And I remember saying "you're supposed to marry 'him'".  I was hard on you about that...I'm glad I was.  Your relationship with your hubby is something I admire and look up to.  You are so talented and crafty and just the best momma!  I admire you in so many ways.

*I'm sad we are not close the way I always hoped we would be.  When we first met I think we were on our way to being close and having a great relationship...something stopped that.  However when we first met you made me feel like I belonged and at the time that was very important. Because you made me feel like I belonged at the start...I now know that I belong, so thank you.

*You are my rock! My world, My everything.  Everything thing I can become is because of your love.

*So many times I thought I would never help you.  I thought you would never let me in.  I'm glad that part of our lives are over.  Where would I be without you?  I'm so glad you are close...that I can huck something out my window and hit you...makes me happy!  "be nice to your sister one day they'll be your best friends..." who knew they were right?!

*Cry fest 1996, lady bug shorts, shopping trips, alanis, coverlooks, taco time and hot sauce, blueberry dance co outfits and so much more that's what I call true friendship!

To all you who have been part of my life I say

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where does time go?

Tomorrow my baby turns 2!
Where does the time go?

Ava is so spunky and funny!
She really is a sweet girl, but she is tough as nails!
She picks on her big sister.  You would think Ava is the big sister.
Ava loves Ruby and her "honey".  (Her Aunt...my sister).

Ava is such a joy...I'm seriously the luckiest!

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's better to be nice

There is this local photographer whose style I adore.  Her editing is unreal! Really...her work is inspiring.  HOWEVER she is NOT NICE!
I am the kind of person and type of photographer who doesn't mind sharing my locations, tricks, secrets, advice, blah blah blah!  
I had a question I wanted to ask her it was about a location, that many photographers have used I just can't seem to find it.  So I shot her off an email asking her.  A few months passed and she never answered me.  So I emailed her again.  I was really polite and quite complementary.  She replied saying that she wasn't the type of person to give out advice freely, and if I were to pay her to "learn" from her that she would be happy to share some of her tips and "secret" locations.  For real?!  I've had many photographers around the nation contact me asking me how I did certain things and I'm more then happy to share a few helpful tips.  
Like I said this location that I'm talking about I've seen MANY MANY others use it, it's not like it is her own private hideaway.  One day it's gonna come back and bite her in the bum for not being friendly to others in the business.
Anyway...I say it's better to be nice then not nice at all.  After all...Santa is watching! 
{oh and so is Jesus}


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How well do you know my seriously amazing life?

I thought this would be fun!
I have a lot of readers, some who admit they follow...some who follow incognito, some I know follow but don't admit...and some who stumble upon this blog.
With that being said I want to have a little contest to see WHO knows me the best.
The winner will get something.  I don't know what..but something!
(some questions will be multiple choice...others you might just have to know....some answers can be found throughout this blog..others facebook...SOME you won't 
find anywhere..so good luck!)

#1. What is my favorite color?
#2. What is my favorite movie?
       a. Twilight  b. Mary Poppins  c. The Devil Wears Prada  d. The Holiday
#3. I have three sisters, what number am I?
#4. If I were a baked good what would I be?
      a. a brownie  b. a cupcake  c. a cheesecake  d. a cookie
#5. What kind of car do I drive?
#6. What kind of a camera do I shoot with (make only)
#7. How old was I when I got married?
#8. How tall am I?
#9. What is my BIGGEST pet peeve at the Grocery Store?
#10. What color eyes do I have?
#11. If I were an animal what would I be?
#12. I once earned the nickname 'snuts'...where did come from
  a. a evening of eating salty peanuts with friends
  b. a bus ride in Europe
  c. a run in with a crazy french man
  d. a trip to the circus
#13. Senior year of high school I was voted what?
 a. most talkative/loudest mouth
 b. most friendly
 c. most school spirit/school pride
 d. longest legs
#14. What do I like to knit the most?
 a. hats
 b. sweaters
 c. socks
 d. scarves
#15. What kind of mascara do I use now?
#16. Where did we take our kids on our most recent family vacation?
#17. What kind of a cell phone do I use?
#18. What is the household task I HATE the most?
#19. If I could be on any reality tv show...which show would I want to be on?
  a. so you think you can dance
  b. survivor
  c. who wants to be a millionaire
  d. amazing race
#20. I collect what?
 a. coins
 b. yarn
 c. postcards
 d. cookbooks

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dry skin!

I'm at my wits end with my skin!
I really take such good care of my skin I do.  BUT MY HANDS ARE SO DRY!
On my right hand my thumb and pinkie are so dry, cracked and itchy that I think I would rather amputate them then deal with the itchy pain anymore.  It really is bad!
Does anyone know of any good solutions or remedies...besides a knife!
I'm serious it's really really REALLY BAD!
Help out your itchy sister!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ava and her books!

Ava loves books..but this is ridiculous!
I came out of my room to see her sitting at the END of a trail of books.  
I cleaned these up 3 times today!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blog Stats..holy cow!

So blogger has this cool feature that I didn't know about and I found it last week.
It's the stats feature.
In the last month this blog has had 3,224 hits...WHAT????
I know not that much cool stuff has happened in the last month here...but apparently I'm getting a lot of traffic.
SO I want to know who is looking in.

SO here is what I want to hear from you.
Who are you?
How did you get here?
Where are you from?
What would you like to see me post here on this fabulous life of a blog?

So leave me a comment...I love meeting new people!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

One thing that makes me happy.

One of the things that makes me happy in my life is this happy beautiful smile!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A day in my life.

So we sold Daves BMW...so sad right?!  Well it's sad for me because he has been taking my car to work EVERYDAY!  It's horrible!! I hate not having a car.
Elle is off track, and that sucks for her cause we don't go do anything fun because we are home.  Yes we walk to the park and color, do fun home bound stuff....But all those other things I had planned...NOOOOOOOOOO we can't!
So I find myself running around the house snapping lots of pics of my kids and the boring stuff we do all day long.  ENJOY!
I woke up to this in my bed
Then this was crying for me!

Then this happened

Toes in my face pretty much!

We spent a few hours doing this!

and some laughing of course!

I did some of this
and this!
and this!
And of course I had to do a lot of this!
And I read some of this!
And I made this for lunch
She enjoyed it

and so did she!

I later made homemade chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles...YUM and YUM!

and homemade bread sticks....even more yum!

and we all enjoyed the yum!
And of course rubber ducky joined them!  

Then it was GOODNIGHT!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I love being crafty!

I do...I really love crafting.
I love making cute things for my house and my girls.
I recently made this fun hat for a photoshoot for a client.  So I decided to try it out on Elle.
I think I'm going to make more.


(oh and I just love this pic...so I have to share!)

Friday, October 15, 2010


I know you can choose to be offended so I guess I'm choosing to be offended.
I can't believe the lack of support I've been given with some close friends and family members regarding my photography.  It's actually kinda depressing, discouraging and frustrating.  I know when I decided to do this I went into it knowing that not everyone would love my style.  And that I'm learning to be okay with.  I guess what is so kinda hard is how many close friends and family just seem to not care.  I am thinking I'm going to start distancing myself now.  
I can except rejection from strangers, but it is hard to get it from those you love.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mascara Wars

You all know how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE Dior's Diorshow Mascara right?!
Well you'll never guess I found one that is JUST LIKE IT!
NO LIE! I can't even tell a difference!

So what is it you ask?
Well I'll tell you so you can embrace the joy of this


M.A.C Opulash

For real ladies and drag queens it is awesome!
I swore I would never switch mascaras because Diorshow was so awesome...but MAC's Opulash is just the same and even more awesome cause it's 10.00 bucks cheaper!

YAY For saving money!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Is she a model?

So after much debate and convincing I decided to take Elle into a modeling agency.  They loved her, but I was apprehensive.  They didn't try to sell me on anything as they are a legit agency but I just don't know.
That was two weeks ago. 
I never called them back honestly because I hadn't decided what I was going to do.
Yesterday they called me.
They told me they are extremely interested in signing Elle.
I just don't know! 
So I told them I would bring her back in on Thursday.
What would your concerns be if it were your child?
What kind of questions should I ask them?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Growing Closer

In the past I'd say month or so I've felt that I have become closer to a certain family member.
Now I'm aware that we aren't besties but....it has been really great to be able to confide in this person.
I have close relationships with my family in general, but not every family member.
This new found trust has made me really happy.
So to YOU I say 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

She is my child!

Does any other mommas out there get down when someone says their child doesn't look like them or am I the only one?
I don't know why I feel this way but I do.
Anyway Ava looks just like me, and so many people say that they don't see it. 
Well I'm a little taller then her...and slightly older then her.  My voice is way different and I can totally take care of myself when I go potty.
So I guess when you look at it that way, we might not look alike.
But look at this....

Don't tell me you don't see it!

Monday, September 27, 2010

For Sale

I just upgraded my camera and my new camera came with a fantastic lens, however it's kinda obsolete cause my lens that I spent BUCKS for is better and covers a better range so I'll just keep the lens I love.
SO I'm SELLING this new lens.  FOR A GREAT PRICE!

*click above for the link to see more about this lens*
It retails for $499.95
And I'll sell it for $350.00

ANY TAKERS before I list this to the masses?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today I learned....


I am so HAPPY that I pretty much have always been a nice person!

I'm sure I've offended people in my time and burned a few bridges that I didn't mean to burn however, I'm glad I've always had good relationships with people.
That is one reason why when I vent on this here bloggity blog I don't say 'names'.  One because they are little petty things and two, because they are little petty things they aren't worth losing relationships over.

I'm glad that in High School I was a nice girl to everyone.
Because people I wasn't "friends" with are now seeking me out as their photographer.
I'm glad as a dumb high school student I didn't burn bridges!



Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Oh I'm so bothered!
So there was this girl, I've never personally met her, but she booked a session with me.
Then she had to cancel.
THEN she re booked GREAT!
I checked with her last week to make sure we were still on for a shoot with her and her husband.
YES we are!
I emailed her earlier today to see if we could shoot a tad bit earlier, cause it's getting darker earlier.

She says she's a photographer herself and really likes my work and ideas and compositions, but then takes stabs saying "my husband says......" (insert criticizing remarks) blah blah blah!
The thing that she booked a SATURDAY!
I booked others after her who I could have booked for this Saturday.
I really should start charging a cancellation fee!


So I'm now glad she cancelled...wanna know why? BECAUSE I BOOKED TWO SHOOTS FOR SATURDAY!
One evening family shoot, and one afternoon newborn!
HA! I'll show her huh?! *wink*

Monday, September 20, 2010

Two Openings!

Hey Friends!
I had two cancellations for October....bummer right?! I know!
I should really start charging cancellation fees!
Anyway I am offering right now this to YOU!
If you want one of these days 
October 2nd (we can do this between conference and priesthood!)
or October 23rd
You will get ALL your digital images not just 20-30 PLUS I will give you a FREE 11x14!
(the sitting is $150.00)
So hurry and let me know if YOU want it!


P.S. I'm glad I don't live in Herriman right now! Bummer right?! SO SO SO SAD!

Update: October 2nd BOOKED!
October 23rd  BOOKED!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Advice please

Help me out here.

Sooooooooooo.....I love doing photography!  As a matter of fact, I think the reason I've been doing so well in my recovery with ED is because I've found something that I am so passionate about and somewhere to focus my energy.  When I first started I did a bunch of free stuff and I'm glad I did.  It gave me a portfolio, plus it gave me experience.  I've told Dave that I need to shoot once a week in order to grow.  So sometimes I take my girls out if I don't have a shoot scheduled, or I'll call one of my former YW to play around and practice new techniques.  I don't mind doing this at all....in fact it is fun, cause it's stress free.  

So this is where I need advice.
I start to feel guilty when friends need photos done.
I feel like because we're "friends" I should do them for free or give them a discount.  I don't want to feel this way.  I mean there a few 'bests' that I don't have a problem doing this for.  And there are some situations that I want to do them for people etc.  But for the most part I want to make money.
So is this just me, or does people feel this way?  I feel that friends expect a discount or a free pass.
  What do you think? 
What should I do?
Should I have a standard when it comes to friends, or do it case by case? 
If you were my friend what would you expect me to do for you?


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bring on the grapefruits!

I was reading this study about men and grapefruit and I just knew you all would find this awesomely interesting...and you'll want to start squeezing those citrus fruits on you right now!

So this study said these two things.
1. Men who smelled the scent of grapefruit on a women made her appear to him about
2. Men who smelled grapefruit on a women saw her as 
I'm going to go take a bath in grapefruit juice right now!!!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

I Remember!

I can remember so clearly where I was September 11th, 2001.
Dave and I had only been married a few months and he was working.
I was in our little apartment still sleeping.
{I had rolled over to his side of the bed}
The phone rang and it was Dave.
Dave said to me "turn on the news a plane hit the World Trade Center in New York."
So I leaned over where our dresser was because the T.V sat on it.
Flipped on the T.V and as I turned it on the second plane had hit the second building.
I kinda just watched and didn't understand what I was watching.  Partially because I was still groggy.  I didn't know if I was watching a replay or if it was another plane.  
I sat in front of the T.V all day watching everything.
I was scared to go anywhere.
I had never heard of Osama Bin Laden.
I gasped as the towers fell, and cried thinking about all those children who lost their parents.
In the days to come I remembered the quite skies.
and the flags in every yard and on every car.
I remember the feeling of unity felt.
I remember the sorrow as more and more were declared dead in the rubble.
I remember hearing of more and more collapses as the rubble settled on ground zero.
I remember the fear.

Today I am still feeling the same emotions I felt that day. As I've listened to replayed stories of children who lost their parents I am still sad for them. As I've listened to the story of the HERO'S who brought down the plane in Pennsylvania I admire their courage. I can't imagine the fear they must have felt, but how selfless they must have been.
Today I remember those who went in to rescue those who were trapped but became trapped themselves and eventually lost their lives.
Today and Forever I stand proud to be an American.
Today I promise to never forget to give my husband and my girls kisses when I leave the house.
I promise to say I love you more to those I love.


Friday, September 10, 2010

I love this man!

Oh Dave is such a goof nut, and I just love his strange quirks!

Dave is a sleep talker!
And it is hecka funny!

I'm telling you I wish you all could hear some of the things he says.

Last night he said 
"babe, babe...wait wait...I took it out to the curb, you can go out there and get it."
And then he mumbled some kind dialect of Chinese I'm pretty sure.

One time when we were first married he told me this in his sleep
"don't touch it, you'll break it!"

Then there was the
"Shamus, grab the ladder and put it over in the bathroom"

Most the time he just gibbers the official language of the moon.

But it is so funny, I might just have to start recording him while he sleeps to catch anything blog worthy.

So I'll leave you with the funniest one of all.

Right after we were married we were trying to figure out how we were going to pay all our bills and tithing.  Tithing is 10% of your annual income to our church...{tithing=blessings}
Well he must have been worried about it because this is what he said.

"{sigh} Tithing {sigh} MONEY MONEY MONEY!"


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Safari Party

My Nephew celebrated his 7th birthday this past week, so we went out to his party this past Saturday, and let me tell you what my SIL knows how to through a party!
She comes up with the cutest ideas!
And makes the most delicious treats!
In a recent conversation I learned that in her R.S good news minute one girl always says "I'm trying to be like Janet, I'm doing......(insert whatever here). Anyway my point being is I want to be likeA Janet too!  {sorry Janet if you're now blushing or fuming mad at me}.   I'm serious she is one of the neatest, craftiest, thriftiest, amazing-ist (yeah I know that's not a word...but it is now!) people I know!

Anyway back to a few pictures of the party.
Such fabulous ideas!!!!!!
She needs to be a party planner for real!
This was the Pinata! FOR REAL! HOW CUTE IS THAT?
Holy Moly this was the best frosting ever! I can't wait to try to make it myself!