I think I am a bad mom. NOt for obvious reasons though. But for reasons that some might think "you're lame" about.
For example, I don't take things serious.
Like homework. I mean I make Elle do her homework and her reading, and spelling and math...but really sometimes homework doesn't get done until just before bedtime because I have let her play all evening.
My kids are in dance class but they are only in their 2nd year. I thought I would be the type of mom (since I was a dancer myself) to have my girls in dance the second they were walking...but you know what I'm not. My kids aren't dance prodigies and it makes me feel like a bad mom. If I put them in dance when it was 'the thing to do' at age out ....of the womb... maybe they would be amaze-ball dancers...but they aren't...they are just learning.
I let my kids watch TV A LOT! And honestly I don't care! They enjoy playing outside and they love to play barbies and dress up and jump on the trampoline (yay warm weather) but if they want to watch Good Luck Charlie, I let them. According to a lot of people I should limit their TV watching, but I don't....and I'm not to sad about that. I mean I don't let them rot their brains out...but I sometimes use TV as a babysitter.
If my kids don't want breakfast I don't make them eat it.
I let my kids stay up till 9:00 on a school night and they really don't have a bedtime on a weekend.
If Ava doesn't want to take a bath I don't make her...soon enough she stinks herself out.
My kids have gadgets...lots of gadgets. And I don't make them earn their gadgets.
I bribe my kids... A LOT.
I don't say no to a lot of things. (unless it's going to hurt them, or someone else)
I am a bad mom and I know it.
I want my kids to be kids so that is why I might put off homework till just before bedtime...because I want them to enjoy their childhood playtime.
I want them to enjoy what childhood has to offer. If they want to watch TV, or play on their iPads or stay up late I let them.
I don't want to force them into growing up faster than they have to.
So while many think my way of raising my children makes me a bad mom, I say it lets me enjoy them in the way I know how. Right now I have Elle's homework sitting next to me and I know she needs to do it, but as I look out the door I see her and Ava and their cousin Alexa dancing and laughing in this blissful spring weather and to me not forcing her to do her homework at a decent hour is just the kind of mom I want to be. One day I hope my kids reflect back on their childhood with laughter and joy and not memories of a overly stuffy and controlling mom, but they will say to me "you were a good mom" and I can in the now cherish my kids as what they are... kids.
So if all this makes me a bad mom...I'll take it.
The Big 7-0
8 years ago