My Therepist gave me this the other day I and I thought I would share these statistics with all of you. I am sure 99% of you out there are not aware of these statistics.
So here goes!
{I want to start a discussion in my comments about these...and what YOU think}
Battling Misperceptions
*Average American women is 5 '4 164 pounds and a size 14
*12 years ago the average American women was 5 '4 140 pounds...caused by dieting flucuations.
*Average model is 5'11 112 pounds and a size 2
*Only 1.8% of women in the world NATURALLY have this body type
*since the 1900's this si the thineest women in the media have been, while this is the larges the average women have been.
*Average Male 5'9 and weighs 180pounds
*Male Model is 5'11-6'2 and weighs 180 pounds
*1959-1996 60% of Miss America's and 69% of playboy centerfolds were 15% below expected weight for height.
*7 models passed away the last year due to Eating Disorders
*Jennifer Aniston was exercising 8 hours a day while she was doing friends
*Friends Billboard promotion "the show with the cute anorexic chcks"
*Average magazine cover costs $60,000 to produce and 6 months of airbrushing
*Movies use waist widdlers and body doubles
*After a 3 year study of disordered eating, girls were 3x higher to have disordered eating if they had a TV in their bedroom.
*After only 3 minutes of looking at fashion magazines 70% of women feel depressed, guilty and shameful.
*Girls that read magazines are 6x higher for disordered eating.
*Breast implants have to be redone every 10 years. 72% get hard and rupture and leak
*Liposuction has to be done every 12-18months
*Plastic surgery compares to Eating Disorders, "If I do this then I will feel better." It is never enough
*90% of all women diet on a regular basis.
*90% of diets fail after 1 year
*60% of Americans are overweight.
*2006, After intense study of all diets, the FDA couldn't find a reason to change the food pyramid.
*2/3 of Americans went on Atkins, dropped wight fast but gained back most of the weight.
*98% of diets fail after 5 years
*People that are successful at keeping the weight off, have a lifestyle change.
*dieters regain all weight lost plus 10%
*47-80% of men diet
*only 2% of women in the world call themselves "beautiful" japan 0% Brazil 6% (Brazil also has the highest plastic surgery rate)
*86% of women are dissatisfied with their bodies
*Only 7% of women expressed little concern with their appearance.
*8 out of 10 college women have diordered eating, 1 out of 4 have a full blown eating disorder.
*14% of 5 year olds diet
*50% of 9 year olds diet
*80% of 10 year olds diet {look at that jump from 9 to 10}
*90% of high school girls diet on a regular basis
*Girls need 35% body fat in order to menstrate for the first time.
*Diet Industry made 10 billion dollars in the 1970's
*Diet Industry estimates of 100 billion dollars in 2008
*Diet ads weren't allowed to airbrush pictures, and so they would hire personal trainers for the "after" pictures and they would pay them to gain weight for the "Before" pictures.
How to Love Your Body {by Kandis}
1. Stop the fat talk-those conversations that begin with "I was so bad last night...." and end with whose butt is bigger? "They're like secondhand smoke-you need to not be around them. Talk about shoes, politics...anything but homany Doritios you ate.
2. Try going reflection free...resist the urge to check out your reflection in every shiny surface.
3. Be more tolerant. We pride ourselves on tolerance in terms of race and religion, but heaven forbid someone should have a different body weight. Research finds that 31% of women at healthy weight thought they were overweight compared with just 5% of men who thought of themselves as hefty. We need to stop discriminating even against ourselves, and start supporting each other.
4. Wear "confidence" clothes. Clothes that boost your confidence and that you are comfortable in.
5.Talk to yourself lik you're a friend. Imagine if a friend said that you were disgusting and lacked self-discipline and that the wide state of Montana had nothing on your butt. You'd want to slap her right? Yet it is fine to say that about yourself?! NO WAY
6. Stop Weighing in. Scales just ge you obessed. "Oh I'm 5'7 and should weight if there's a magical number that is going to make you feel good....Not having a scale is a free feeling.
7.Preach body love. It will strengthen your own attitude. Women with a negative self image who helped younger girls develop positive body image saw their own confidence imporve.
9.Get out your favorite photos that show that you are a fun outoging person. Happy Photos!
10.Embrace yoru heritage. You can feel good and look attractive without denying who you are.
The Big 7-0
8 years ago
I saw your blog linked from someone in the ward and thought I'd check it out. I love it. Thank you so much for sharing this post! Women can be so hard on themselves and I am no exception. It's so nice to put things into perspective. In high school my friend Jared once said to me "All women regardless of shape/size/hair color/skin color are inherently beautiful. It's how they present themselves that make some truly gorgeous." I believe that's true. Sometimes I need a reminder, like your post. Glad I saw it.
Love this post! I can't believe how young girls are dieting! It's crazy. But, now that you mention it, my mom gave me weight loss drops when I was 14. That sure was a self esteem booster.
I also agree with the thing about magazines and media. I notice that if I read any of those popular magazines, it just makes me feel bad about myself.
Thanks for the tips too. I need to do more of the positive self talk and maybe I should get rid of my scale. For a while, I was addicted to it, weighing myself every day. Now I weigh once a week. I find I actually lose more weight when I do it that way.
Also, I find it's much better to think of exercise as something I'm doing to be healthy and feel better, not to lose weight or get skinny.
Well put Kandis! A persons value should definitely not be based on if they are the "ideal" weight or not. I've actually never owned a scale (since I've been married). It definitely helps to not make it all about the #s. I think it is good too, especially for those of us with daughters, to not focus on the weight aspect but more the rying to be healthy aspect. I have many loved ones who eat healthy, run marathons, and still aren't what some would consider to be the "ideal weight", yet they glow. They are happy, healthy, and you can almost feel their love for life because they are treating themselves the way they are supposed to. That is how I want to be. Thanks for always being so willing to talk about what are sensitive topics for many of us.
Great post, Kandis. Growing up I felt a lot of pressure from the media to be thin. I tried to limit that message with my teenage daughters. They were a healthy weight without too much focus on being thin until my oldest was at the end of high school last May and then she suddenly dropped 15 pounds. She's not too thin, but I was worried for a while. She exercises a lot, though and still eats chocolate and chips. She's at college in Cedar City right now, but I'm keeping an eye on her. We've always told her how beautiful she is, even when the world might think she should have lost thost 15 pounds. You know, I long for that era when a little meat on a woman was not only desirable but lauded. Certainly the women were a lot healthier. Thanks!
Aghhh! I want scream about the numbers for the little girls! That right there makes me really watch what I say around little ones! I haven't owned a scale since I've been married and I am so glad that I don't worry about the numbers and more about how I feel. I'm not perfectly sized, but I'm OK with myself. Anyways I saw this on my friends blog and thought it was fitting here....This is from Elder M. Russell Ballard's book-- Daughters of God
"I once received an outline called 'A Woman's Lifeline' that I can relate to because I've seen a number of little girls grow up, and I thought you might be able to relate to it also.
Age 3: She looks at herself and sees a queen.
Age 8: She looks at herself and sees Cinderella.
Age 15: She looks at herself and sees an ugly duckling. ("Mom, I can't go to school looking like this today!)
Age 20: She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" but decides she's going out anyway.
Age 30: She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" but decides she doesn't have time to fix it so she's going out anyway.
Age 40: She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" but says, "At least I am clean," and goes out anyway.
Age 50: She looks at herself and sees "I am what I am" and goes wherever she wants to go.
Age 60: She looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore. Goes out and conquers the world.
Age 70: She looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter, and ability and goes out and enjoys life.
Age 80: Doesn't bother to look. Just puts on a purple hat and goes out to have fun with the world.
The moral is, maybe we should all grab that purple hat a little earlier."
If only we could all be that way NOW!!!
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