Thursday, October 16, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A new Motto!

We had a Super Saturday today with our Relief Society, it was a lot of fun. One of the projects that I did was a hanging frame with a piece of glass that had the words
"Only things eternal will stand the test of time". When I saw it I feel in love with it, and I knew I wanted to have that as my new life motto. It seems fitting for what is going on around me, and what is going on in the world today.
It seems like as the world is crashing down around us, and families everywhere are being torn apart, being strong and having the faith that my family can be strong enough to withstand this time...this life....because we are Eternal.
It gives me great hope to know that we will be okay, that we will make it through all the turmoil that is going on. So today and forever in my home will hang the sign that says "Only things eternal will stand the test of time." Hopefully we all can remember that, as we move forward to the days ahead!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen!

The Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen is the little sister to Miss Utah. Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen will compete in the national competition Miss America's Outstanding Teen, the little sister program to Miss America. Dave's cousin Meredith asked Elle to be her Little Miss when she competed for the title of Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen.
Elle was so excited to help Meredith on stage. Elle got to wear a pretty party dress and escort her off of the stage during the Evening Wear competition. Elle was so cute on stage. She was the littlest one, and looked as if she was two. She was super cute and you could tell others felt this way too.
Meredith did so good! She won the "spirit of Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen" aka Miss Congeniality, she also was given the award for scholastic achievement. These were the only two awards that they gave out other then the runners up and the queen. Then Meredith was crowned Miss Utah's Outstanding Teen! We are all so proud of her, she looked amazing on stage, her onstage answer was awesome...and she played her harp piece beautifully. Meredith will compete in Orlando next year at Miss America's Outstanding Teen!
Elle was so proud of her, and I think she felt a little like she helped Meredith win.(even though we know she won on her own merits)
She will represent our state beautifully this next year!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I love my Mom!

I have a really great relationship with my mom. I enjoy just sitting and talking with her for hours over nothing, or everything. She is such an inspiration to me, and I hope I will be an inspiration like she is to my girls.

My Mom has the inner strength of Superman, the beauty of Miss America, and the pure love of Christ. The word AMAZING can't even describe her. She cares more about others then she does herself. She gives more then she takes, and rarely expects anything in return. She gives more of herself emotionally, and physically then anyone I personally know. She will give up her own plans to stay with you to make sure you are okay. She tries to take all the pain that you are feeling away, and put it on herself. She loves beyond life, because she see's to eternity.

My Mom gives such great advice on everything! She can talk to you about the Gospel and never will you feel like she is better then you, but only that you are equal to her. She can talk about the economy and make you want to do better to become more self dependent. She can make you feel like you are hanging out with high school girl friends because you end up laughing so hard that you think you'll need stitches in your side! Whenever I need an idea for my young women's lessons, she has the perfect story or thought. She can help you come up with inexpensive ideas to make something special, and she makes you feel so good about the idea. She has a knack for making everyone feel loved and special. She will lift you up when you need picking up, she will tell you what you need to hear even if you don't want to hear it, and she will love you like nobody else can. She makes you want to be better just by her example of true integrity and strength.

My Mom is a shining example of hope for me. She has given me such strength and courage to be a good mother, to stand a little taller, to want my daughters to want to emulate me as much as I want to emulate her. She is a true daughter of God and I am so blessed that I was lucky enough to be sent to her.

Gordon B. Hinckley said
"Keep faith with the best that is in you. Your own constant self-improvement will become as a polar star to those with whom you associate. They will remember longer what they saw in you than what they heard from you. Your attitude, your point of view can much such a tremendous difference." She is the polar star that people look at and watch. I want to be like her, like the star that she is, because like her and like the stars they are closer to Heaven and closer to God...and that is where I want to be!