One thing I don't love so much is a Facebook Spy.
This is what I mean by a Facebook Spy.
You friend me on Facebook. We never talk...that's okay, yet I see all your status' and you see mine.
I notice your life, because well it is somewhat amusing and I honestly notice people.
Then one day I see a post and the the next moment I go looking for it again only to realize that you have now blocked me from seeing your posts, pictures, wall, etc in your privacy settings (just so you know I am kinda Nancy Drew and know things like this). But yet we are still friends. THIS IS A FACEBOOK SPY. You don't want someone to see what you are up to, but you're not really wanting to de-friend because well you are a spy.
Yeah this bothers me.
If you want to be my friend on Facebook, I welcome you (if you're not a creeper) but if you only want to be my friend to spy on my life and have no interest in allowing me to see what is going on in yours...well then I don't really think we should be Facebook friends.
The end.
The Big 7-0
8 years ago
i didn't even know you could block people from seeing your things. so much to learn!
honestly, blogs, fb, twitter, whatever - the downfall of society. how did things like this become such an issue?
Does your spy read your blog?! I've tried to block people from seeing my stuff (all ex-boyfriends that have friended me that I really don't want to see my life) but it takes too much time and honestly, I don't know if I've figured it out!
How do people have that much time to figure out all that stuff? I see stuff from people that I don't wanna see yet I can't see stuff that I want to see... I have no clue how to fix it. It's a crazy world with social media!
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