I had been working on a Young Women's activity for tonight so yesterday (Tuesday) I went to Hobby Lobby (I love that place....so much Hobby in that Lobby) to get a few things that I needed for the super fab...super fun...pamper party for yw's.
While strolling down around the isles of many plastic flowers...Elle starts having a melt down. "I WANT A TOY." Why is it that every store we go to the Little Miss thinks she has to have a toy? I calmly tell her no. She then proceeds to give me two choices.
"Mom, get me a toy or I will stay here."
"Okay stay there then." I so calmly said
"NO! that is not the right choice! What's your choice? A toy or I am not going?"
"Elle" At this point I am trying not to smile and trying to be stern "then you can stay here, because we are not getting a toy today."
"That is not the right choice!"
At this very moment sloppy spinster comes around the corner and decides to take it upon herself to tell my child and myself what to do.
NO KIDDING this is what she said.
"Young Lady, you are not the one making the choices your mother is..." then hagatha...says "and you shouldn't let her speak to you that way."
WHAT? since when did I ask for a smelly, spinsty, haggy, Lady's opinion. First off....Elle was plain cute giving me options, and second I was handling the situation just fine.
So here I am standing there in utter shock...I didn't even know what to say. I really wanted to say one of two things "Look haggy...I know your butt is rather enormous..but you can keep it to yourself." or "your opinion smells like you." But I couldn't bring myself to say that instead I just said "oh well thanks, but she's learning about choices, and is hoping I make the choice she wants...she's silly."
Now Elle is getting frustrated at me, and mad that spinsty hagatha butted her patootie in our conversation and says "mom have you made your choice?"
Spinsty then guffaws, and turns and walks away.
Good riddance!
Really I would NEVER tell any mother how to mother or own child if I didn't know her. Yes Elle was being a little bugger. But I was handling it. It wasn't like I was beating my child...shessh!
Have you ever had anyone criticize your parenting in public?
Enjoy the picture of Little Miss Options!