Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vacation...Go Day.

We didn't tell our girls we were going on vacation till the night before.  I loved it!  
One reason was because every 10 hours I wasn't being asked "how many more days?"
Instead it was just a normal week.

We woke up on Saturday morning and drove to Las Vegas.  I have never really wanted to take my children to Las Vegas.  It's not like 1990 when they tried to make Vegas family friendly.  
The smoke, the gambling and the "not porn, but sure looks like porn" that litters the streets.  It's not just a great place for children.

Anyway we decided to stay off the strip at South Point.  I'm glad we did this.

We did want to take the girls to Serendipity.  It was interesting watching Elle and Ava see the slot machines.  Ava said "I want to play that game".  I had to explain to Elle exactly what they were and she didn't think that was so awesome at all.  Playing a game that you might not win or get tickets to get a prize didn't sound like any fun to her.  

Prior to our trip I bought a simple point and shoot camera.
I really didn't want to take my camera with me to Disneyland as I can't afford to lose it, have it stolen or ruined.  And plus I didn't want to have to be a photographer (as I am when I am using my camera,) instead I just wanted to be mom and not worry about getting the "perfect" shot instead I just wanted to capture the images.  
It does stink that the quality and clarity of the images are nothing like I am used to, but that's okay.  It's the memories.  

So ANYWAY we went to Serendipity and then back to our hotel and rested up for the next day.  

AND we are OFF!

Ava's Face simply explains how amazing this is.  So sweet it will put you in a comma.


Elle's Fake GLASSES

I love the dancing lights of this photo.  It's so bad that it's right. 

Ava has become quite the little poser.

Elle's DUCK FACE self portrait.  (there's many more of these)

And yes, I let  my kids jump on the bed!

1 comment:

Mary Ann Carlile said...

You have to let kids jump on the bed at hotels! It's part of the deal:) Serendipity looks so good - I want some now! Can't wait to see the rest of your trip.